Retail Services
Tenant Representation
Tenants can say goodbye to the days of choosing a site based solely on their gut instinct. When we combine our local market expertise with our state-of-the-art demographic mapping tools, our clients are in a position to make well-educated decisions. Just knowing the total population and average household income in an area is no longer enough. Armed with everything from competition maps to consumer expenditure reports which tell us what people in a specific area are spending their money on, deciding on a location will never have been clearer.
Our multi-unit clients (franchises and chains) enjoy NAI’s exclusive REALTrac Online system which makes tracking the progress of each unit easy and organized. The client can log into their REALTrac Online account to see the latest status of a pending deal, access documents (such as offers and counter-offers, site plans, lease comments, pictures of the site, etc.) and view comments or notes written by the broker. For example, there are 10 different NAI Capital brokers on your team in 10 different markets finding you sites. Tracking the progress of each deal in each market can get confusing. With REALTrac Online, you can log on and read up-to-date status reports written by each broker (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy 0:00a.m.- Offer was accepted today. Landlord is drafting Leases which will be posted and available for you to download from Real Track by Tuesday morning).
Tenant Representation Process Summary
- Analysis of the optimum demographics and site criteria for your particular business
- Site Analysis including Trade Area Competition Analysis
- Market Rent Analysis of properties comparable to the prospective subject site
- Presenting the Landlord with information about your company and the value your tenancy will bring to their property
- Lease negotiations
- Assistance with local governmental agencies
Landlord Representation
When Starting with a New Development
Far too often we see developers and their architects so focused on how the center is going to look, some of the key ingredients which make a shopping center successful are overlooked – Tenant Mix, Layout and Feasibility. Because our team understands what Tenants want, having our retail team working together with your architect from the beginning stages is an essential part of the design process. Every detail is thoroughly analyzed such as the location of the retailers and restaurants in relation to the anchor tenants and how they best feed off of one another, the ingress/egress, the optimum space dimensions, which tenants will require rear delivery access, etc.
Existing Properties
Retail properties are as unique as people – no two are alike. We design a marketing strategy specifically tailored for your particular property by highlighting its most favorable attributes and identify the target market of tenants best suited for your center and its current tenant mix. An aggressive marketing campaign designed to give your property maximum exposure is implemented and continued until your property is 100% leased. Our job goes beyond marketing your property and bringing you qualified offers – it involves assisting you in selecting a tenant who is financially sound and will be successful in your center for years to come.
Landlord Representation Process Summary
- Market Rent Analysis
- Creating an attractive leasing brochure which highlights your center’s most favorable attributes
- Marketing the property (Our marketing strategy, specifically tailored for your property, would be outlined in detail in our Marketing Proposal upon request)
- Analyzing offers and their respective financial statements, credit reports, competition in the marketplace and other relative information which will ease the decision making process of choosing a qualified Tenant
- Negotiating Offers
- Drafting Leases and assisting your attorney in Lease negotiations